MightyHive Helps Publishers Use Data
To Drive Revenue and Achieve Sustainability
To Drive Revenue and Achieve Sustainability
Helping Journalism Thrive
The Google News Initiative Data Lab APAC 2020 Playbook was developed in partnership with The Google News Initiative, an effort to work with the news industry to help journalism thrive in the digital age.

Meeting New Challenges
Publishers are facing a changing privacy and tech landscape.
At this moment, the industry is asking what would be a sustainable model to run? This playbook contains some of the answers and helps to build a data-driven organization to increase its advantage in the market.
Create editorial analytics solutions that enable newsrooms to quickly, simply, and frequently evaluate the performance of content to maximize engagement from audiences of greatest value.
Increase reader engagement by serving relevant content recommendations to readers; increasing the likelihood of further on-site and article engagement.
Maximize advertising revenue for the available inventory through three pillars of optimization: performance, troubleshooting, and forecasting.
MightyHive Extends Its Unique Competency in Data and Digital Media From the Buy-Side to the Sell-Side
This playbook empowers publishers to make a case for a change in their organization by documenting how data science and analytics can help publishers improve their content planning, keep visitors on-site with better content recommendations, and improve site revenue.
It provides insight into how and why each use case would be suitable for a publisher, the necessary prerequisites, the intended change as a result of the implementation and the mechanics behind how these implementations will achieve better performance.
Download your copy of the playbook and the executive summary below.
Google News Initiative APAC Data Lab Playbook and Executive Summary

Executive Summary: Google News Initiative APAC Data Lab Playbook
Participating Publishers
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