Announcing Something New
BY MightyHive ON August 03, 2021
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Today, we’re announcing Media.Monks. By merging MediaMonks and MightyHive into Media.Monks, we are delivering on the original intent of S4Capital to bring together the content, data&digital media, and technology services within the S4Capital family.

The brand builds upon MediaMonks’ existing brand equity while incorporating the best of MightyHive’s deep roots in data&digital media, as symbolized by the inclusion of the MightyHive hexagon. Media.Monks is organized across 57 talent hubs in 31 countries offering clients seamless access to a nearly 6,000-strong team of multidisciplinary digital talent around the globe.


MediaMonks logo and MightyHive logo becoming Media.Monks logo

What does this mean for MightyHive clients and partners? 

The Media.Monks brand is a flexible framework that represents how we connect the dots among our people and forge new paths of intersection, and is designed to showcase the power of our talent by showing up in different ways. So, Media.Monks includes our Design.Monks, Content.Monks, LA.Monks, Shanghai.Monks…. there’s Many.Monks. 

You’ll see our data&digital media teams show up as Data.Monks, but there will be no changes to the solutions and teams you work with today. The MightyHive leadership team will continue to lead the data&digital media businesses within Media.Monks.

It has been our privilege to build MightyHive, and we’re eager to provide even more to you, our clients and partners, with the expanded capabilities of Media.Monks. To learn more about what we’re doing, visit our new home at

See you there,


Pete Kim Headshot


Chris Martin Headshot


Lexi Viripaeff Headshot


Pete Kim Chris Martin

Lexi Viripaeff

Co-founder, Media.Monks and Executive Director, S4Capital Co-founder, Media.Monks and Executive Director, S4Capital

Co-founder and CTO