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High Fidelity: Log Files vs. Ads Data Hub
Recently I had the pleasure of being a guest on "Live with MightyHive" to talk about how Google Data Transfer Files (DT Files) compare to the data inside Ads Data Hub (ADH).
As a refresher, DT Files are the log-level data marketers can access from Google Marketing Platform (GMP). Google announced in 2018 that it would begin redacting user-level IDs in order to protect user privacy and comply with regulations like GDPR (and now CCPA, as we cover in this episode). Ads Data Hub, on the other hand, is the "data clean room" for GMP; a privacy-preserving application for analyzing campaigns and audiences without user-level data needing to leave Google.
What has happened is that the detailed user-level data offered by DT Files in many cases ends up heavily redacted (for both privacy and business reasons), whereas Ads Data Hub keeps user-level data 100% private and is consequently not nearly as redacted. Marketers NEED to understand this trade-off. This episode covers what you find when you compare the two, including:
- The key differences between DT Files and Ads Data Hub
- How to check data parity between DT Files and Ads Data Hub before making other comparisons
- How to compare the effects of user ID redactions, Safari ITP, and CCPA between log-level data and ADH
We've packaged everything up and you can register to download these materials below:
- The full episode video
- The slide deck
- Sample SQL queries for both DT Files (BigQuery) and Ads Data Hub
If you want to develop a better understanding of how Ads Data Hub differs from legacy analytics and log-level data, then this is a great set of materials. I hope you find them useful!