Digiday takes a deep dive into MightyHive’s services and solutions. MightyHive CEO, Pete Kim, explains our approach to in-housing and why that has resonated with brands like Bayer, Sprint, and Nationwide.
“[Pete Kim said] Companies are in need of flexibility when it comes to moving media in-house and, therefore, [MightyHive] doesn’t have one way it works with clients. Deals are constructed on a case-to-case basis, and offerings vary from strategy consulting to media buying execution to training.”
MightyHive helps brands take control of their digital futures by providing guidance and training as they move their media buying in-house. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to in-housing and MightyHive creates custom activations for each client, depending on their individual needs. Ultimately, MightyHive helps brands own their digital strategies and help train the right talent to get to self-sufficiency. As Josh Palau, VP of Digital Strategy for Bayer said,
“We wanted to work with MightyHive because of their experience with getting people to self-sufficiency.”
Additionally, Sprint engaged MightyHive as a partner for the same reason, the appeal of total ownership and self-sufficiency. Rob Roy, Chief Digital Officer at Sprint said of working with MightyHive,
“We’ve seen results better than expected, and those have continued to grow. It’s almost like jumping off the high dive—you’re a little bit nervous, but you know when you land, it’s not going to hurt. [MightyHive] gave us the right to move quicker than we thought we would be ready for. That’s been the ultimate luxury for us.”
MightyHive believes there is a spectrum of control when it comes to in-housing, and marketers must determine where they fall based on their own goals and resources. We are fortunate to partner with forward-thinking brands like Sprint, Bayer, and Nationwide on their in-housing strategies.
If you are interested in learning more about MightyHive and how we can help you take your media buying in-house, please contact us.